Wednesday, April 28, 2010


When you stand alone, one man against ten determined five year olds, what do you do? I can't speak for the future, but just two days ago I stood my ground and came out the victor. The dispute began innocently. Jane mentioned her older sister and I asked how old the sister was. Her answer was, "twenteen." I explained that she was either twelve or twenty, not twenteen, and I immediately met the tenacious opposition of ten voices defending a number they were certain existed. Our debate went on for a full couple of minutes, my efforts against them futile until someone began to count, "eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve." Twelve was followed by a groan of surprise and a second groan of sudden realization (Koreans groan a lot). What had been an intense dispute dissipated into nothing in an instant. I wiped my brow and we all moved on.

Kindergarten journal quote: "I go to church. I pray to God to be happy all the time."